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Types of Aid
Image of ATSU Students on Campus sharing homework

Types of Aid

Investing in your future as a student is one of the most important steps you will take in your life. Enrollment Services can help you find the right resources to fund your education.

Contact Enrollment Services if you have any questions.

Financial Aid for Graduate or Professional Students

A.T. Still University of Health Sciences
Enrollment Services
800 W. Jefferson Street
Kirksville, MO 63501
Phone: 660.626.2019
Fax: 888.676.6701

To stay informed of the latest and greatest, including scholarship opportunities, join the Enrollment Services Facebook group.

  • HRSA Loan Programs (DO Only) +

    • ATSU is approved to participate in the Primary Care Loan (PCL) and Loans for Disadvantaged Students (LDS) loan programs. The loan application window will open each academic year between October 1st and March 1st. Loans are awarded on a first-come, first served basis until the total loan fund has been awarded. DO students may apply in their third and fourth year, and may be a recipient of a PCL or LDS loan more than once.


      For any questions regarding these loans, please contact

      Loans for Disadvantaged Students

      What is the Loan for Disadvantaged Students Program?

      This is a subsidized 5% fixed-interest rate loan made available through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The purpose of the Loan for Disadvantaged Students (LDS) program is to provide long-term funding and low-interest rates to eligible medical students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are enrolled full time. The loan includes a 12-month grace period before repayment and is eligible for deferment throughout medical residency. Awards are made to medical students with the lowest combined parent and student contributions (PC and SC) based on the federal needs-analysis calculation. Students must come from an economically disadvantaged background (low income level tables are published annually by DHHS), and/or are considered by the admissions committee to have come from an environmentally disadvantaged background (criteria determined at the time of admission review).

      How much can I borrow?

      Enrollment Services and the Finance Office will determine how much you can borrow based on your eligibility, the amount of LDS funds available for the institution, and other criteria. The maximum award per student equals the cost of attendance (including tuition/fees, books/supplies, and living expenses) less other aid and resources.

      How do I qualify for a LDS?

      • Enrollment full time in the osteopathic medicine degree program
      • United States citizen or eligible noncitizen
      • Provide parent financial asset and household information
      • Demonstrate financial need
      • Maintain good academic standing
      • Owe no federal grant refund and not be in default on any federal loan

      Why must I provide financial information about my parents to obtain a LDS?

      To assist schools in allocating limited LDS funds, the Department of Health and Human Services requires parent information from all students to determine financial need without regard to age, tax, or marital status.

      Loan Repayment

      • Repayment begins following a 12-month grace period after you cease to be a full-time student.
      • Interest at 5% is compounded on the unpaid principal balance and begins to accrue upon expiration of your grace period unless you are eligible to defer payment.
      • Loans are repayable over a period of not less than 10 years, no more than 25 years, at the discretion of the institution.
      • LDS is eligible for Federal Loan Consolidation.

      May payment of my LDS be deferred?

      YES. Periodic installments of principal and interest need not be paid, and interest shall not accrue, while the Borrower:

      • Serves on active duty as a member of a uniformed service of the United States, for up to three years.
      • Serves as a volunteer under the Peace Corps Act, for up to three years.
      • Pursues advanced professional training, including internships and residencies.
      • Pursues a full-time course of study at a health professions school eligible for participation in the Loans for Disadvantaged Students Program.
      • Leaves the Institution with the intent to return to the Institution as a full-time student, to engage in a full-time educational activity which is directly related to the health profession for which the Borrower is preparing, as determined by the Secretary of Health and Human Services for up to two years.
      • Participates in a fellowship training program or a full-time educational activity which is directly related to the health profession for which the Borrower’s prepared at the Institution, and is engaged in by the Borrower within 12 months after the completion of the Borrower’s participation in advanced professional training as described in the promissory note section 4(c) for up to two years.

      What happens to my LDS in the event of death or disability?

      Your obligation to repay the loan will be canceled upon receipt of the required documentation in the event of your death or permanent and total disability.

      How do I add my parent’s information to my FAFSA?

      Beginning with the 2024-25 FAFSA, students can no longer directly add their parents’ financial information to the FAFSA. Instead, students and parents can add their relevant financial information to the LDS application within Student Forms directly. ATSU’s Enrollment Services will calculate the student and parent combined SAI in the same way FAFSA did previously.

      Primary Care Loan

      What is PCL?

      HRSA’s Primary Care Loan (PCL) is designed to assist 3rd and 4th year osteopathic students with educational expenses and may also be used to pay off other federal loans that are accruing at a higher interest rate. PCL is funded through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and is managed by ATSU.

      Note: Students considering this option - please be aware that PCL funds cannot qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF).


      • Full-time enrollment in the doctor of osteopathic medicine program
      • United States citizen or eligible noncitizen
      • Demonstrate financial need via the Title IV need analysis
      • Owe no federal grant refund and not be in default on any federal loan
      • Maintain good academic standing
      • Register with Selective Service if required by law

      Maximum borrowing amounts

      ATSU’s Enrollment Services and Finance Office will determine the awarding amounts annually. Criteria includes, but is not limited to, annual funding limits awarded to ATSU by HRSA, a student’s year in school and financial need.

      Things to Consider

      • Service Obligation: PCL recipients must adhere to the PCL service obligation. Specific details, including access to the ATSU self-certification form, will be provided to recipients.
      • Loan Fees: no loan fees
      • Interest: Interest begins accruing following a 12 month grace period after the student ceases full time enrollment. The current interest rate will be fixed throughout repayment at 5% as long as the borrower meets the annual certification requirements.
      • Grace Period: The grace period immediately follows completion or termination of full-time student status. The grace period cannot be postponed to follow any deferments for which the borrower may be eligible.
      • Repayment: Borrowers must practice primary care for ten years or until the loan is paid in full, whichever occurs first.

      How to apply

      Read the Primary Care Loan (PCL) FAQs for more detailed information. Interested applicants may submit an application through Student Forms by logging into the ATSU Portal and searching for Student Forms. Once logged in, click on the Manage Requests button and then the ‘+’ sign next to the Primary Care Loan Application option. Read the instructions, provide a general statement and then click Submit. The new Primary Care Loan Application workflow will be made available for you to access and complete. Follow the prompts to complete the web form. Our team will follow up with you within 3-5 days of receiving your application.

  • Private Loans +

    • ATSU offers a student Title IV federal financial aid up to the student’s cost of attendance. While there are many benefits to using federal loans, there are instances where federal loans do not cover a student’s cost of attendance. Private loans may present an opportunity to assist students with funding their education.

      ATSU utilizes FASTChoice to deliver a preferred lender list. The lenders and loan options presented in FASTChoice were selected for the competitive terms and benefits they provide to borrowers. ATSU has worked with these lenders in the past, and previous borrowers have had positive experiences working with them.

      Things to consider:

      • Private loan annual amount: The cost of attendance minus any scholarships, Federal loans, Work-Study, and/or other aid received.
      • Creditworthy: Approval of a Federal Direct Grad PLUS or private loan is contingent upon your creditworthiness.
      • Interest rates and fees: Depending on the lender and loan opportunity, fixed and variable rates are available. A student’s credit score and/or having a cosigner may positively impact the rate offered to that student.
      • As with all loans, students should read the details of each loan and ask the lender questions to make sure they fully understand the commitment they are making.

      Students are free to choose any lender, including those not presented. Application processing will not be delayed unnecessarily if a student chooses a lender not presented.

      Our officials are prohibited from accepting any financial or other benefits in exchange for displaying lenders and loan options in FASTChoice. Prohibited activities include: receiving compensation to serve on any lender board of directors or advisory boards; accepting gifts including trips, meals, and entertainment; allowing lenders to staff our institution's financial aid office; allowing lenders to place our institution's name or logo on any of their products; and owning of lenders' stock (for college officials who make financial decisions for our institution).

  • Federal Work-Study +

    • “Federal Work-Study provides part-time jobs for undergraduate and graduate students with financial need, allowing them to earn money to help pay education expenses. The program encourages community service work and work related to the student’s course of study” (Department of Education’s Office of Federal Student Aid). Financial need is demonstrated by completing your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). For eligible programs, Work-Study will be included in the financial aid offer letter.

      If you find Work-Study is included in your offer letter, you have the option to accept or decline that opportunity. Upon meeting Work-Study eligibility requirements and approval of your application for an available position, you will then complete the Work-Study employment paperwork with the human resources department.

      The ATSU Work-Study Handbook provides information to both students and supervisors about how to post and how to secure a Work-Study position. Students will apply for positions by creating an account and completing the designated FWS application on the Work-Study Job Board.

      2024-25 ATSU Federal Work-Study Handbook
      2025-26 ATSU Federal Work-Study Handbook

      If you choose to decline some or all of the Work-Study opportunity, you may elect to increase your Graduate PLUS loan by the amount of unaccepted Work-Study funds.

  • Veterans Benefits +

    • A.T. Still University is approved for the training of veterans and eligible persons under the provisions of Title 38, United States Code. Our personnel are aware and committed to working with veterans and active duty soldiers to ensure student success.

      We cannot assist you with determining your eligibility for benefits. You are required to contact the VA to determine eligibility. However, we are responsible for certifying your enrollment status, which results in you receiving your benefits.

      School Certifying Officials

      Kaylee Morgenstern, MBA
      Enrollment Services
      A.T. Still University
      800 W. Jefferson
      Kirksville, MO 63501
      Mariel Molina, MAE
      Enrollment Services
      A.T. Still University
      800 W. Jefferson
      Kirksville, MO 63501
      660.626.2019 (phone), 888.676.6701 (fax) 660.626.2019 (phone), 888.676.6701 (fax)

      Getting started

      Follow the steps below to begin the process of determining your eligibility for receiving VA educational benefits and to have your enrollment certified with the VA.

      1. Visit to apply for VA education benefits or if you have previously used your benefits at a different institution, to complete a Request for Change of Program of Place of Training (VA Form 22-1995).
      2. Once you are notified by the VA of your eligibility to receive educational benefits, submit the following documents to the SCO's listed above:
        • Request for Certification form (pdf)
        • Certificate of Eligibility (provided by the VA after the processing of your benefits application)
        • Copies of transcripts from all schools previously attended
          1. If you were required to submit all transcripts for admission, the admissions team will forward your transcripts to our office. You will not need to supply a second set of transcripts.
          2. If your program required only the degree-granting transcript, then you will need to forward copies of all college and/or military transcripts to the SCO. Transcript copies may be unofficial. Please review the transfer credit policy for your school or program and the University Transfer Credit Policy located in the University Catalog.

      If you are returning to the University after an absence and wish to be certified for the upcoming term, you will need to complete the Request for Certification form (pdf) and submit it to the School Certifying Official.

      Student responsibilities

      In order to comply with laws governing VA education benefits, it is your responsibility as a student to notify your SCO of your status with the University, which includes when you:

      • Add or drop a class(es)
      • Change your address
      • Withdraw from your program
      • Retaking a course

      Only courses that are required for your degree program are eligible for certification. If you have any questions, please contact your SCO.

      Online students utilizing the Post 9/11 GI Bill ®, the VA requires a student to be enrolled more than half-time to be eligible to receive the monthly housing allowance (when applicable). Enrollment status (or training time) for students utilizing benefits like the Montgomery GI Bill or the Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance directly correlates to the monthly rate they are eligible to receive. For more information on enrollment status and your VA benefit, please check the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website.

      GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

  • Military Tuition Assistance +

    • All prospective TA students must first speak with their unit Education Service Officer (ESO), a military counselor, or visit their local installation Education Center regarding their desire to use Federal Tuition Assistance. Service members must coordinate with ESO’s and receive approval before they begin using Federal Tuition Assistance.

      If you are eligible for Tuition Assistance (TA), your military branch will pay up to $250 per credit hour directly to the university. You will be responsible for payment of tuition and fees that are not covered by TA. Please send a copy of the TA Authorization Voucher to for invoicing.

      If you have further questions you can email or call 660.626.2888.

      Grades will be reported at the end of each enrollment period by a member of Enrollment Services.

      Requirements for Return of Tuition Assistance (TA) Funds

      Information regarding the return of TA funds may be found in the ATSU University Catalog.

  • Principles of Excellence +

    • On April 27, 2012, President Obama signed Executive Order 13607; Establishing the Principles of Excellence for educational institutions serving service members, veterans, spouses, and other family members. A.T. Still University (ATSU) fully complies with the seven Principles and is dedicated to helping our veteran and non-veteran students succeed!

      1. Provide students with a personalized form covering the total cost of an education program.
      2. Provide educational plans for all military and Veteran education beneficiaries.
      3. End fraudulent and aggressive recruiting techniques and misrepresentations.
      4. Accommodate Service members and Reservists absent due to service requirements.
      5. Designate a point of contact to provide academic and financial advice.
      6. Ensure accreditation of all new programs prior to enrolling students.
      7. Align institutional refund policies with those under Title IV, which governs the administration of federal student financial aid programs.

      Addressing the Principles

      The College Financing Plan

      The College Financing Plan is a consumer tool that participating institutions use to notify students about their financial aid option. It is a standardized form that is designed to simplify the information that prospective students receive about costs and financial aid so that they can easily compare institutions and make informed decisions about where to attend school. Read more about the The College Financing Plan

      ATSU provides a personalized College Financing Plan to any accepted student who has been given access to their Anthology Student Portal. To comply with Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 (P.L.116-315), ATSU’s school certifying officials will provide each VA-supported student with a custom College Financing Plan upon the student’s request to utilize VA Educational Benefits, and then at the beginning of each subsequent academic year, or if tuition and fees change.

      Educational Plans

      Each ATSU program has a set curriculum for their students. At any time this curriculum can be viewed in the ATSU University Catalog. Select the corresponding program or school of interest to view the curriculum.

      Recruitment Practices

      ATSU bans all inducements (including any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, transportation, lodging, meals, or other items having monetary value of more than a de minimus amount) to any individual or entity (other than salaries paid to employees or fees paid to contractors in conformity with all applicable laws) for the purpose of securing enrollment of service members or obtaining access to tuition assistance funds as part of efforts to eliminate aggressive marketing aimed at service members.

      ATSU does not participate in high-pressure recruitment-marketing tactics.  ATSU will not provide any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollment of federal financial aid (including TA funds) to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting, admission activities, or making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance.

      Re-admissions Policy

      Re-admission is guaranteed, pending proof of compliance with minimal technical standards and the Codes of Academic and Behavioral Conduct, for students whose military reserve obligations may necessitate a period of absence from the academic program when they are called to extended active duty. Specific policy information may be found in the ATSU University Catalog under the Refund Information of the Financial section

      Point of Contacts

      Veterans and their families may contact those listed below for assistance.

      Kaylee Morgenstern, MBA
      Enrollment Services
      A.T. Still University
      800 W. Jefferson
      Kirksville, MO 63501
      Mariel Molina, MAE
      Enrollment Services
      A.T. Still University
      800 W. Jefferson
      Kirksville, MO 63501
      660.626.2019 (phone), 888.676.6701 (fax) 660.626.2019 (phone), 888.676.6701 (fax)


      A.T. Still University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, 230 South LaSalle St., Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604. Phone 800.621.7440. All programs seek approval of the HLC when required by the substantive change rules prior to program offerings.

      Institutional Refund Policy

      ATSU’s institutional refund policy aligns with the Title IV refund policies. Specifics policy information may be found in the ATSU University Catalog.

      Financial information resources

      College Scorecard

      College Scorecards in the U.S. Department of Education’s College Affordability and Transparency Center make it easier for you to search for a college that is a good fit for you. You can use the College Scorecard to find out more about a college’s affordability and value so you can make more informed decisions about which college to attend.

      College Navigator

      College Navigator is a free consumer information tool designed to help students, parents, high school counselors, and others get information about over 7000 colleges from the U.S. Department of Educations’ database.

      Paying for College

      The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's site can help you to make informed financial decisions about how to pay for college. Start by comparing financial aid offers or understanding student loan repayment options.

      Department contacts

      Financial Aid

      ATSU is committed to providing our students with the assistance to explore all funding options.


      Enrollment Services

      Learning Resources & Accommodation Services

      Learning Resources & Accommodation Services staff provide academic advising in the areas of note taking, memorization techniques, determining study priorities, using resource materials, studying for tests, reducing test anxiety, effectively using a tutor, and studying in a small group. 866.626.2878, ext. 2424

      Behavioral Health & Wellness Counseling

      The Behavioral Health & Wellness Counseling department provides confidential individual, couple and group counseling, as well as referral and consultation services. All services are provided free of charge for ATSU students.

      Veterans Benefits

      A.T. Still University is approved by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) for the certification of students eligible to receive VA educational benefits. Our personnel are aware and committed to working with veterans and active duty soldiers to ensure student success. Learn more about the Veteran Benefits.

      Kaylee Morgenstern, MBA
      Enrollment Services
      A.T. Still University
      800 W. Jefferson
      Kirksville, MO 63501
      Mariel Molina, MAE
      Enrollment Services
      A.T. Still University
      800 W. Jefferson
      Kirksville, MO 63501
      660.626.2019 (phone), 888.676.6701 (fax) 660.626.2019 (phone), 888.676.6701 (fax)

  • Scholarships +

    • External Scholarships

      External scholarships come from non-ATSU entities that provide funds to students based upon criteria set by that organization, and are eligible to apply towards the cost of attendance at the University the student attends.

      Students can learn about these types of scholarships from a variety of sources, most commonly scholarship search engines, however if not using a trusted source, it’s important that the student properly vet the validity of the award.

      Current and admitted ATSU students have access to ScholarshipUniverse within their student portal. ScholarshipUniverse is a personalized scholarship search engine with vetted external scholarship opportunities year round. Check ScholarshipUniverse throughout the year to research and apply for external scholarships through this trusted source.

      New Student Scholarships

      Completion of your application for admission will provide automatic consideration for a number of competitive scholarships. If an additional application is required, qualified candidates will be notified of eligibility and invited to apply. Click here to learn more! In addition, a number of the ATSU Internal Scholarships are open for new students to apply for consideration.

      Internal ATSU Scholarships

      ATSU scholarship funds awarded for the 2024-25 cycle totaled over $437,000. With about 6,600 applications processed, 184 awards were presented from 121 separate named scholarship funds.

      Click on the link below to review scholarships available to students via Scholarship Universe for the 2024-25 academic year by school.

      ATSU Scholarships

      Generous alumni and friends of A.T. Still University have established various endowed scholarships that are available to ATSU students. Criteria for these awards are often set by the primary donor of the scholarship. Common criteria set for scholarships may include attendance within a particular school and/or program at ATSU, good academic standing, student financial need, and perhaps a stated desire to practice in a particular field or specialty area. Scholarships generally range from $500-$5,000 per academic year.

      Timeline, Selection, & Awarding

      Each year, scholarship applications will open in mid-January and close in mid-March for ATSU students. Scholarship applications are available within ScholarshipUniverse, which can be found on the student portal. Enrollment Services will announce via email to all active students when the scholarship applications are available. The University Scholarship Committee will make recipient selections and students will be notified if they have been selected for an endowed scholarship before the end of the spring semester. Scholarships are applied to the student’s ATSU account for the upcoming academic year and divided into two equal disbursements, fall and spring.

      Diversity & Inclusion

      ATSU is deeply committed to an educational and collaborative environment embracing cultural proficiency. Students striving to become the best healthcare professionals possible must understand and embrace society’s diversity. The Graduate Health Professions Scholarship (GPS) is designed to accentuate the university’s unique mission of service and leadership in whole person healthcare. This tuition scholarship is a targeted approach to attract and educate students whose life contributions and experiences are consistent with the ATSU mission to serve in underserved areas.