Mo. ° / °
Ariz. ° / °
Calif. ° / °

Information for researchers

Our researchers range from DOs to PhDs to DMDs. Learn more about ATSRI member benefits and the resources and opportunities available to ATSRI researchers.

  • Research trials

    • Active studies

      Comparison of Efficacy in Correcting Tooth Rotations and Patient’s Adaptation Between Traditional Aligners and Graphy Direct-Printed Aligners
      Principal investigator: Xingzhong (John) Zhang, DDS, MSD, PhD; Jae Hyun Park, DMD, MSD, MS, PhD; Megan Do, DDS; Joshua Hanenkrath, DMD; R. Curtis Bay, PhD

      Understanding the knowledge, attitudes, and comfort level regarding the LGBTQIA+ population among dental professionals and dental educators
      Principal investigator: Michael Ly

      Reaction and Movement Time in Women with Breast-Cancer Related Lymphedema: A Cross-Sectional Study with Comparison
      Team lead: David Doubblestein, PT, PhD
      Contact: 480.219.6194,
      Learn about this trial

  • Research Support Department

    • Research Support at ATSU includes a variety of professionals who assist in various aspects of the research process. The following descriptions outline Research Support services and provide examples of how our staff support research at ATSU.


      • Format the research question
      • Calculate sample size and perform power analysis
      • Help determine independent and dependent variables
      • Offer instruction and advice on best methods of data organization
      • Analyze and interpret data
      • Discuss options for data presentation
      • Discuss options for measurement tools

      Scientific Writing

      • Assist with compliance with journal publication criteria (formatting, word length, etc.)
      • Edit and organize manuscripts
      • Review presentations for correct formatting

      Research Coordinating/Project Management

      • Develop protocols and other study documents
      • Provide regulatory assistance, including creation of IRB applications, informed consent documents, and annual review submissions
      • Train study team members (students, co-PIs, etc.) on the specific research protocol
      • Assist with participant recruitment and management
      • Develop a participant recruitment plan
      • Assist with finding participants
      • Schedule participants and sessions
      • Create and manage a data quality assurance plan
      • Monitor grant budgets
      • Participate in the data collection process
      • Complete study closeout procedures
  • IRB manuals

    • Kirksville IRB Manual

      The Institutional Review Board, established by Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, serves to assure that research on human subjects is planned and carried out in accordance with certain ethical guidelines and federal regulations.

      Read the full Kirksville IRB manual

      Arizona IRB Manual

      The ATSU AZ IRB is committed to serving our Arizona campus research community with relevant guidelines and information, accessible forms and simple to use document templates. The guidelines and regulations for research conduct and oversight can be complex, confusing, and seemingly contradictory. We are here to demystify the regulatory processes, ensure that complete and understandable information is always provided to your research participants/partners, evaluate and oversee studies to ensure risks to participants are minimized and acceptable in consideration of the benefits and advise and consult on research ethical conduct issues.

      Browse the full manual and webpage.

  • A.T. Still Memorial Library

    • A valuable resource to ATSRI researchers, the A.T. Still Memorial Library is committed to advancing whole person healthcare and wellness through the development and support of premier clinical research. Liaison librarians are available to assist with a wide range of research tasks, from navigating databases to conducting literature reviews. A wealth of resources are available online or in-person at the physical library located on both the Kirksville, Missouri and Mesa, Arizona campuses. Visit the A.T. Still Memorial Library Research Hub to get started.

      Visit the A.T. Still Memorial Library
  • ITS Research Software

    • Information Technology Services (ITS) offers a comprehensive suite of resources to support research endeavors.

      Access to advanced statistical software such as SAS, IBM SPSS, and SigmaStat/SigmaPlot is available through the university's enterprise licenses. Additionally, tools for survey creation and management, including Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, and REDCap, are provided to facilitate data collection. Researchers also benefit from bibliography creation software like EndNote, which is available under ATSU's site license.

      These resources, coupled with expert support from the ITS team, empower researchers to conduct sophisticated analyses, manage data effectively, and enhance the quality of their scholarly output.

      ITS RESEARCH Software

Current research

At A.T. Still Research Institute, our commitment to excellence is reflected in our diverse portfolio of ongoing research endeavors. Explore our developing and ongoing studies, and get inspired by the insights shaping the future through our recent publications.

  • Studies in development

    • Comparison of Efficacy in Correcting Tooth Rotations and Patient’s Adaptation Between Traditional Aligners and Graphy Direct-Printed Aligners
      Principal Investigator: Xingzhong (John) Zhang, DDS, MSD, PhD; Jae Hyun Park, DMD, MSD, MS, PhD; Megan Do, DDS; Joshua Hanenkrath, DMD; R. Curtis Bay, PhD

      Understanding the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Comfort Level Regarding the LGBTQIA+ Population Among Dental Professionals and Dental Educators
      Principal Investigator: Michael Ly

  • Active studies

    • Comparison of Efficacy in Correcting Tooth Rotations and Patient’s Adaptation Between Traditional Aligners and Graphy Direct-Printed Aligners
      Principal investigator: Xingzhong (John) Zhang, DDS, MSD, PhD; Jae Hyun Park, DMD, MSD, MS, PhD; Megan Do, DDS; Joshua Hanenkrath, DMD; R. Curtis Bay, PhD

      Understanding the knowledge, attitudes, and comfort level regarding the LGBTQIA+ population among dental professionals and dental educators
      Principal investigator: Michael Ly

      Reaction and Movement Time in Women with Breast-Cancer Related Lymphedema: A Cross-Sectional Study with Comparison
      Team lead: David Doubblestein, PT, PhD
      Contact: 480.219.6194,
      Learn about this trial