Federal Direct Student Loans
ATSU graduate and professional students seeking degrees in eligible degree or certificate programs may qualify for a Direct Unsubsidized and/or a Direct Grad PLUS student loan. Contact Enrollment Services with any questions regarding Federal Direct student loans.
ATSU FAFSA School Code: G02477 (same code for all campus locations)
Required criteria to apply for a Federal Direct student loan
To be eligible to apply for Federal Direct student loans, a student must:
- Be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen
- Possess a valid Social Security number
- Enroll or be accepted as a degree-seeking student in an eligible degree or certificate program
- Be enrolled at least half-time
- Maintain satisfactory academic progress
- Not have a record of default on a federal student loan
Complete the FAFSA
Please complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®). The FAFSA is available to file for the upcoming academic year beginning on October 1st annually. While ATSU does not have a formal deadline for FAFSA completion, ATSU Enrollment Services recommends filing between October and December. Check your ATSU email often. Enrollment Services will contact you if there are any questions or if additional information is needed.
Note: Students must complete a new FAFSA prior to the start of each academic year.
Using the ATSU FAFSA School Code G02477 will ensure your information will be sent to ATSU.
Beginning with the 2024-25 FAFSA, the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) has been renamed the Student Aid Index (SAI).
Your financial aid offer
In the Spring of each year, Enrollment Services will begin contacting FAFSA-filing students via their ATSU email with instructions on accessing their offer letter with full financial aid offer (cost of attendance) and the next steps in the financial aid process including entrance counseling, completing loan applications, consent to obtain credit form, and master promissory notes. Your financial aid offer will include academic expenses for the loan period such as tuition and fees, computers/books/supplies, and living expenses. Please be sure to watch your ATSU email for this and other communication from ATSU’s Enrollment Services team.
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan +
Maximum borrowing amounts
Annual and Lifetime Aggregate Limits by Program Annual Limit Lifetime Limit Medical or Dental Students $47,166 $224,000 Master of Public Health Program $33,000 $224,000 Non-medical or Non-dental Students $20,500 $138,500 Limits are based on a 12 month year and may vary based on the length of the academic year. - Loan Fees: A bank/loan fee will be assessed at 1.057% of the total accepted gross Unsubsidized loan amount for loans originated on or after October 1, 2020.
- Interest: Interest begins accruing for the borrower when funds are disbursed. The interest rate for the 2024-2025 year will be fixed throughout repayment at 8.08%. View the interest rates on federal student loans first disbursed before July 1, 2024.
- Grace Period: Each borrower has a six-month grace period for the Federal Direct Unsubsidized loan. The grace period must be exhausted before the borrower is eligible for deferment or forbearance.
- Repayment: Borrowers using a standard repayment plan have up to 10 years to repay this loan. There are many repayment plan options to research and consider. Each borrower will go into repayment six months following graduation, withdrawal, or reducing to less than half-time enrollment status unless the borrower qualifies for an economic hardship deferment.
Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loan +
Maximum borrowing amount
Students may borrow up to the full financial aid offer (cost of attendance) less any Unsubsidized funds received or other qualifying financial assistance.
- Creditworthy: Approval of your Grad PLUS or private loan is contingent upon not having an adverse credit history. ATSU will provide instructions within your financial aid offer on how to provide consent to check for adverse credit history. If you are a new Grad PLUS borrower (never borrowed Grad PLUS at ATSU), a new consent form must be completed. If at any time a new Consent to Obtain Credit is required, a student will be notified via their ATSU email address. This includes those that have borrowed Grad PLUS in the past.
- Loan Fees: A bank/loan fee will be assessed at 4.228% of the total accepted gross Grad PLUS loan amount for loans originated on or after October 1, 2020.
- Interest: Interest begins accruing for the borrower when funds are disbursed. The interest rate for the 2024-25 year will be fixed throughout repayment at 9.08%. View the interest rates on federal student loans first disbursed before July 1, 2024.
- Repayment: Borrowers using the standard repayment plan have up to 10 years to repay this loan. There are many repayment plan options to research and consider. Deferment and forbearance are available during post-graduate training.
Receiving, Returning or Requesting More Loan Money +
Receiving your loan money
Direct Unsubsidized loan or a Direct Grad PLUS student loan money disbursement dates are dependent on the student’s program.
Loan disbursement Residential Programs First week of each semester - Fall, Spring, and Summer, if applicable
Note for students enrolled in the ASHS MSPA (Classes of '23, '24, '25) & all students in the California CCPA program: After receiving the first disbursement of the program (first week of the first term), subsequent disbursements may occur after successfully completing half the credits and half the weeks for the academic year.Online Programs Students starting in block 1 receive their disbursement for the semester. Students starting in block 2 receive their disbursement for block 2 and then each semester after (pending continued enrollment).
Disbursements are made after the census period is complete and will be disbursed in week 3.For Direct Unsubsidized and Direct Grad PLUS student loans, funds are transferred electronically to the student’s account. Students may view their account information within the Anthology Student Portal, which can be found in the my.ATSU.edu portal.
Student loan funds that exceed the amount due to ATSU is called a Title IV credit balance. This credit balance is promptly provided to the student via direct deposit or by check. To set up direct deposit, submit the ATSU Authorization for Direct Deposit Form, which can be found in the ATSU Portal, to Student Accounts. For students that utilize lenders that will not wire money to ATSU will receive their financial aid through a co-payable check.
Post-withdrawal Disbursements
Every ATSU student who matriculates earns a portion of the Title IV, HEA funds from day one. Each student who withdraws before the Title IV funds are disbursed, and has requested loan funds will be offered a post-withdrawal disbursement notice in writing within 30 days of when ATSU determined the student withdrew. Please note:
- Enrollment Services will remind the student these are federal loans and must be repaid.
- Students will be discouraged from borrowing any more than is necessary, and may even suggest the student cancel the loan completely.
- Students will be required to confirm how much, if any, of the post-withdrawal disbursement the student desires. If a student does not respond within 30 days of the notification, no disbursement will be issued to the student.
- All post-withdrawal disbursements will be made as soon as possible, but no later than 180 days from when ATSU determined the student withdrew.
Returning loan money
Borrowed too much
Enrollment Services strongly encourages students to plan ahead, budget responsibly, and take only the loan money needed. However, if a student overestimated and borrowed too much loan money, that student may write a check to ATSU for the amount they would like returned to the lender. Enrollment Services will return the funds on the student’s behalf and request that the fees and interest charges be waived; however, this waiver is not guaranteed. ATSU will assist with the return within 30 days of the disbursement date.
Enrollment changes
Changes to a student’s enrollment (adding or dropping a course, dropping below half-time status, or program withdrawal) will require a review of the financial aid offer. In the instance where a return of Federal Direct Student Loan money is required, ATSU will follow the Return of Title IV Funds Policy, found in the University Catalog financial information section.
When an over-award occurs, Enrollment Services will review the student’s financial aid file. Adjustments are normally made by reducing a subsequent loan disbursement. Upon rare occasions, a student must write a check to the lender to repay an over-award. Students with an over-award will be contacted by Enrollment Services with details on how the over-award must be returned.
Request more loan money
Students who have not accepted all of their financial aid offer or utilized all of their Work-Study can send an email request to enrollmentservices@atsu.edu. Please include the net amount you wish to borrow (actual total amount you wish to receive) to expedite the review process. Enrollment Services will review your request and reply via your ATSU email address.
Cost of Attendance (COA) Appeal
Enrollment Services recommends scheduling a one-on-one meeting with a member of our financial aid advising team when students have exhausted their student loan eligibility for the academic year and are experiencing a significant financial crisis due to unexpected expenses that result in the inability to meet academic expectations.
If the decision is made to submit a Title IV Cost of Attendance (COA) Appeal, it must detail the situation and expenses by including supporting documentation for the amount requested for consideration.
A program budget or cost of attendance (COA) is prepared annually as required by Department of Education regulations. The expenses included are based on what is needed for the student to attend school and may only consider costs for a single student. There are times that unusual or extenuating circumstances arise during an enrollment period that generate expenses not covered in the COA. Students may request an increase in their COA by reporting these expenses with supporting documentation for consideration. All submitted expenses must be incurred during the enrollment period and guaranteed prior to the last date of that period. Visit the University’s academic calendar for enrollment dates for each program and year in school.
Expenses eligible for consideration include, but are not limited to:
- Tuition and fees: Tuition and fee charges that are not covered by your COA are eligible for consideration.
- Child daycare costs: Costs associated with childcare must directly correlate to a student’s ability to attend school required activities. Billing statements and/or receipts must be provided.
- Unplanned/emergency medical or dental expenses: Request for an increase to cover costs associated with unplanned medical or dental expenses should be required for a student and eligible for coverage by the student’s health insurance policy. Elective, preventative and cosmetic procedures do not qualify. Student is required to provide a letter from the healthcare provider documenting the required medical or dental need and expense (including procedure dates, any payments made, and/or estimated cost after insurance).
- Unexpected transportation expenses: Requests for reimbursement of unexpected transportation costs must be for a vehicle that a student uses to attend school-related activities. Invoice and/or receipts must be provided with this request. Expenses related to the purchase or lease of a vehicle are not eligible for consideration.
- Program required travel expenses: Costs incurred for travel must be for the student only.
- Other: Special circumstances that create an unexpected financial need that do not fit into one of the categories above may also be submitted. Examples may include required board programs not already covered, higher health insurance costs due to student-specific situation, etc. Documentation supporting the financial need must be provided.
Expected Family Contribution (EFC)/Student Aid Index (SAI) Appeals
Need-based loan offers take into consideration the Expected Family Contribution (EFC)/Student Aid Index (SAI), which is calculated using data on a student's FAFSA. ATSU offers non-need based loans, and the EFC/SAI does not impact the amount of loans offered. ATSU is approved to offer Federal Work-Study which is a need-based program. Students that file a request to adjust their EFC/SAI will be denied if the change will not result in the student receiving or becoming eligible for need based programs.
Submission of COA or EFC/SAI Appeals
Decisions of the professional judgement committee are final and cannot be appealed to ATSU or the U.S. Department of Education.
Students may login to the ATSU portal to access the secure online request process through the Student Forms tile, located under Enrollment Services.
Federal financial aid regulations require an institution administering Title IV financial aid to report credible fraudulent financial aid activity committed against federal student aid programs to the U.S. Department of Education. Please see the ATSU Student Handbook, Appendix B, Code of Behavioral Standards.
Satisfactory Academic Progress +
According to the United States Department of Education regulations (34CFR 668.16 and 668.34 and October 29, 2010, Final Federal Register), all students receiving federal financial assistance must meet and maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP). SAP is a set of standards students must maintain to receive federal financial assistance. SAP standards, criteria for reestablishing eligibility for federal financial assistance, and SAP appeal information may be found in the University Catalog financial information section.
Entrance and Exit Counseling +
Entrance counseling
Students must complete entrance counseling upon matriculation at ATSU before any loan funds will be disbursed. If the student has previously completed it at a graduate or professional level, the student will not need to complete it again.
Exit counseling
All students who received any federal loans while attending ATSU must complete online exit counseling upon graduation, withdrawal, or dropping below half-time status.
Disclosures and Things to Know +
Your Loan Information Published by the Department of Education
Institutions are required to provide information published by the Department of Education to students at any time that information regarding loan availability is provided. The publication includes information about the rights and responsibilities of students and institutions under Title IV, HEA loan programs. Federal loans are submitted to the National Student Loan Data System, housed on the StudentAid.gov website, and are accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders, and institutions determined to be authorized users of the data system. Comprehensive information on the terms and conditions of federal loans and of the borrower’s responsibilities can be found on the Department of Education’s website. Student borrowers reserve the right to submit feedback at any time to the Department of Education.
FA Code of Conduct
In order to ensure that ATSU maintains the highest ethical standards, each staff member at ATSU who has loan-related responsibilities will not:
- Enter into revenue-sharing arrangements with lenders.
- Accept gifts of more than nominal value from lenders, guarantors and loan servicers.*
- Receive compensation for consulting services to lenders.
- Assign lenders to any borrowers.
- Refuse to certify a loan based on the borrower’s choice of lender.
- Participate in opportunity pools with lenders.
- Permit lender staff to assume school call center or financial aid office staff functions.
- Receive compensation for private loans.
- Serve as advisory board members for compensation, except for reasonable expenses incurred as a result of that service, such as travel expenses.
The following items are not considered “gifts” for this purpose:
- Brochures, workshops or training related to loans, default prevention or financial literacy.
- Food, refreshments, training or informational material furnished as part of a financial aid professional training session.
- Borrower benefits provided by the lender to all students at the institution.
- Entrance and exit counseling, as long as the school controls the counseling, and such counseling does not promote the products or services of any specific lender (GEN-08-12, p. 70).
- Philanthropic contributions that are not made in exchange for loan volume.
FAFSA Verification
Each year, applications for federal student aid are selected for verification by the Central Processing System (CPS) in order to confirm the accuracy of the data listed on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). All applications selected will be verified for students receiving need-based funding (Federal Work-Study), who are in certain verification classifications, or for whom professional judgment is performed.
If verification is required and you used the IRS Data Retrieval Tool when you completed your FAFSA electronically (and you have not amended your tax return), you will not need to request a tax return transcript from two years prior. (You may go to www.fafsa.gov and choose to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool even if you didn’t use it on your initial FAFSA.) If you are unable or choose not to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool, you must request an IRS tax return transcript and send it to our office.
Until verification is complete, you cannot receive any federal need-based aid (Federal Work-Study). Required documentation must be received prior to the end of your academic year, in order to receive federal need-based student aid.
After your application has been verified, ATSU will process any necessary corrections based upon the documentation received. The award process will then proceed, and you will receive an email containing information and instructions for accessing your electronic award letter. In the event a correction must be made as a result of the verification, you will receive notification from CPS of the change to your Student Aid Report. You will also receive email notification from Enrollment Services within 10 business days if your financial aid award offer must be changed.
Enrollment Services does have a referral policy, as required by the federal government, in the event of an actual or suspected case of fraud or abuse. Students who willfully submit fraudulent information will be investigated, and all cases must be reported to the proper authorities. Fraudulent situations will be reported to the hotline of the Department of Education’s Inspector General.
If you have any questions regarding the verification process, please feel free to call us at 660.626.2019, or email enrollmentservices@atsu.edu.
Managing your Debt +
Tips to consider:
- Develop a realistic budget to live by and stick to it.
- Keep good records. Maintain all loan material in a single location.
- Review your credit report yearly and learn the importance of your credit rating.
- Limit the number of credit cards that you carry.
- Pay your credit card balances off each month if at all possible.
- Be smart about your loan choices.
- Borrow only what you need.
- Check interest rates to select the best loan
- Know your repayment and the deferment/forbearance options
- Read information about your loan choices
- Learn about different repayment options, such as Income-Based Repayment, Pay as You Earn, etc.
- Students must repay all loans according to the terms in the promissory note. Understanding repayment of federal loans
The ATSU Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine programs are proudly accredited by the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA). As part of earning and maintaining approval with this prestigious association, ATSU commits to educating students through counseling on financial aid and general debt management. All ATSU DO students must complete at least two debt management opportunities prior to graduation that allow the University to track your attendance, time watched, and overall completion of the offerings.
Federal Student Loan Information+
- Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement (ASLA) - provides a comprehensive view of your borrowing history.
- U.S. Department of Education - Federal Student Aid - A comprehensive site that provides various tools and information on federal student aid, which includes tools to complete counseling requirements and promissory notes.
- Federal Student Aid Ombudsman Group of U.S. Department of Education - This resource can be used when attempts to resolve a federal student aid dispute have been unsuccessful.
- National Student Clearinghouse - For deferment questions call 703.742.4200
Loan Repayment Programs+
There are many choices to consider when looking into Loan Repayment Plans. Learning about your options early in your degree program can help set you up for success when your repayment begins.
- Repayment and Consolidation Information - The Department of Education is a great place to start your research on various repayment plans.
- Loan Repayment/Forgiveness and Scholarship Programs - Searchable database maintained by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
- National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program - Provides loan repayment assistance to licensed primary care medical, dental, and mental and behavioral health providers who serve in communities with limited access to healthcare. Full-time and half-time service options are available.
- Arizona State Loan Repayment Program - Provides loan repayment in exchange for working 2 years in a public, private non-profit or rural private practice located in a federally Health Professional Shortage Area or in an Arizona Medically Underserved Area. Fully licensed dentists, physicians, and physician assistants are eligible for this program.
- National Institute of Health (NIH) Loan Repayment Program (LRPs)- LRP’s at the National Institute of Health counteract financial pressure by repaying up to $35,000 annually of a researcher’s qualified educational debt in return for a commitment to engage in NIH mission-relevant research.
Credit Reports, Education & Counseling+
Information presented by Paul Garrard
Paul Garrard is a member of the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) and the Financial Planning Association (FPA). Mr. Garrard is considered one of the most well-known and in-demand student loan debt management experts in the nation, especially in the medical and health professions. He is the founder and president of PGPresents, LLC, which is an independent student loan consulting firm.
- Income-Driven Repayment Plans and Forgiveness as Part of Your Repayment Strategy
- Financial Decisions in Residency and Fellowship
- Student Loan Update: Financing Your DO Degree and a Preview of Repayment Strategies
- Free Credit Report - Yearly free report
- National Foundation for Credit Counseling
- Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) - This site offers tools, calculators, and various information regarding student loans, debt management, and financial organization
- Better Money Habits - Videos prepared by Bank of America and Khan Academy to assist students in understanding credit, the importance of good credit, and other financial matters.
- Interest Rate Primer: Understanding how interest rates work on your student loans
- American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
Default Cohort Rates and Average Loan Debt Load+
Default Cohort Rates
Year Rate 2021 0.0% 2020 0.0% 2019 0.1% 2018 0.3% Average Loan Debt Load, by program
Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, DO Program
Complete the ATSU-KCOM DEI Demographic Request form to request student debt load and loan default rates by race/ethnicity and gender.
- 2020 Graduates: $291,543
- 2021 Graduates: $312,994
- 2022 Graduates: $305,464
- 2023 Graduates: $302.725
School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona, DO Program
- 2020 Graduates: $294,829
- 2021 Graduates: $294,717
- 2022 Graduates: $311,668
- 2023 Graduates: $325,307
Arizona School of Dental and Oral Health, DMD Program
- 2020 Graduates: $411,610
- 2021 Graduates: $436,686
- 2022 Graduates: $466,522
- 2023 Graduates: $433,657
Missouri School of Dental and Oral Health, DMD Program
- 2020 Graduates: $392,475
- 2021 Graduates: $402,606
- 2022 Graduates: $409,999
- 2023 Graduates: $399,124
Cost of Attendance
Cost of attendance (COA) is an estimated amount of all expenses for a period of enrollment. A COA has been calculated for each program approved to certify for Title IV funding.
Cost of Attendance Determinations
The cost of attendance is determined each year by the Director Student Financial Aid - Enrollment Services and approved by a committee comprised of members including the Assistant Vice Chancellor - Enrollment Services and Vice President for Student Affairs. Students having credit history difficulties may not be able to borrow the full budgeted amount as Grad Plus and private loans review creditworthiness.
Students may locate their Cost of Attendance (COA) below by selecting their school, program and then year (residential programs) or enrollment status (online programs). An expense worksheet is also provided so students can calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs and help to budget accordingly.
Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health +
2024-25 Academic Year
Doctor of Dental Medicine +
Doctor of Dental Medicine
Budget categories Class of 2028 Class of 2027 Class of 2026 Class of 2025 Tuition & Fees
Living Expenses
Total Cost of Attendance
(10 months)$141,783
(10 months)$138,070
(11 months)$140,819
(9 months)Expense Worksheet
Year 1 Worksheet (xls) Year 2 Worksheet (xls) Year 3 Worksheet (xls) Year 4 Worksheet (xls) Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Master of Science in Orthodontics+
Master of Science in Orthodontics
Budget categories Class of 2026 Class of 2025 Class of 2024 Tuition & Fees $97,830 $97,830 $48,916 Computer/Books/Supplies $6,510 $1,140 $0 Living Expenses $36,267 $36,267 $16,485 Total Cost of Attendance $140,607 (11 months) $135,237 (11 months) $65,401 (5 months) Expense Worksheet Year 1 Worksheet (xls) Year 2 Worksheet (xls) Year 3 Worksheet (xls) Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Arizona School of Health Sciences +
2024-25 Academic Year
Doctor of Athletic Training (online)+
Doctor of Athletic Training (online)
Categories Full-Time Three-Quarter-Time Half-Time Tuition & Fees $12,420 $9,660 $6,900 Computer/Books/Supplies $1,765 $1,739 $1,714 Living Expenses* $28,773 $28,773 $28,773 Total Cost of Attendance $42,958
(9 months)$40,172
(9 months)$37,387
(9 months)Expense Worksheet Full-Time Worksheet Three-Quarter-Time Worksheet Half-Time Worksheet *Living expenses are prorated per block registered.
**Travel for institutes may be requested up to an additional $1355. It is the student's responsibility to make this request. Please contact Enrollment Services at enrollmentservices@atsu.edu to make this request.
Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Doctor of Audiology (residential)+
Doctor of Audiology (residential)
Categories Class of 2028 Class of 2027 Class of 2026 Class of 2025 Tuition & Fees
Living Expenses
Total Cost of Attendance
$63,449 (10 months)
$66,904 (10 months)
$61,006 (10 months)
$59,400 (10 months)
Expense Worksheet Year 1 Worksheet (xls) Year 2 Worksheet (xls) Year 3 Worksheet (xls) Year 4 Worksheet (xls) Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Post-Professional Doctor of Audiology (online)+
Post-Professional Doctor of Audiology (online), 2 Year Program
Categories Two Year Program, Year 1 Two Year Program, Year 2 Tuition & Fees $8,572 $8,572 Computer/Books/Supplies $1,725 $68 Living Expenses $35,167 $35,167 Total Cost of Attendance $45,464 (11 month) $43,807 (11 month) Expense Worksheet 2 Year Track, Year 1 (xls) 2 Year Track, Year 2 (xls) *Living expenses are prorated per semester registered.
Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Post-Professional Doctor of Audiology (online), 3 Year Program
Categories Three Year Program, Year 1 Three Year Program, Year 2 Three Year Program, Year 3 Tuition & Fees $8,038 $8,038 $8,038 Computer/Books/Supplies $1,725 $68 $125 Living Expenses $35,167 $35,167 $35,167 Total Cost of Attendance $44,930 (11 month) $43,273 (11 month) $43,330 (11 month) Expense Worksheet 3 Yr Track, Yr 1 (xls) 3 Yr Track, Yr 2 (xls) 3 Yr Track, Yr 3 (xls) *Living expenses are prorated per semester registered.
Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Doctor of Medical Sciences (online)+
Doctor of Medical Sciences (online)
Categories Full-Time Three-Quarter-Time Half-Time Tuition & Fees
Living Expenses*
Total Cost of Attendance
(9 months)$40,711
(9 months)$37,863
(9 months)Expense Worksheet Full-Time Worksheet (xls) Three-Quarter-Time Worksheet (xls) Half-Time Worksheet (xls) *Living expenses are prorated per block registered.
Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Doctor of Physical Therapy (residential)+
Doctor of Physical Therapy (residential)
Categories Class of 2027 Class of 2026 Class of 2025 Tuition & Fees $43,360 $43,184 $41,788 Computer/Books/Supplies $3,015 $410 $1,760 Living Expenses $32,970 $29,673 $32,970 Total Cost of Attendance $79,345
(10 months)$73,267
(9 months)$76,518
(10 months)Expense Worksheet Year 1 Worksheet (xls) Year 2 Worksheet (xls) Year 3 Worksheet (xls) Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
[Postprofessional] Doctor of Physical Therapy (online)+
[Postprofessional] Doctor of Physical Therapy (online)
Categories Full-Time Three-Quarters-Time Half-Time Tuition & Fees $9,828 $7,644 $5,460 Computer/Books/Supplies $1,727 $1,710 $1,693 Living Expenses $31,970 $31,970 $31,970 Total Cost of Attendance $43,525
(10 months)$41,324
(9 months)$39,123
(10 months)Expense Worksheet Full-Time Worksheet (xls) Three-Quarter Time Worksheet (xls) Part-Time Worksheet (xls) *Living expenses are prorated per block registered. Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Doctor of Occupational Therapy (residential)+
Doctor of Occupational Therapy (residential)
Categories Class of 2027 Class of 2026 Class of 2025 Tuition & Fees $40,356 $41,308 $41,308 Computer/Books/Supplies $1,909 $129 $0 Living Expenses $32,970 $32,970 $32,970 Total Cost of Attendance $75,235
(10 months)$74,407
(10 months)$74,278
(10 months)Expense Worksheet Year 1 Worksheet (xls) Year 2 Worksheet (xls) Year 3 Worksheet (xls) Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Master of Science in Athletic Training (online)+
Master of Science in Athletic Training (online)
Categories Full-Time Three-Quarter-Time Half-Time Tuition & Fees $12,420 $9,660 $6,900 Computer/Books/Supplies $1,810 $1,774 $1,739 Living Expenses* $28,773 $28,773 $28,773 Total Cost of Attendance $43,003
(9 months)$40,207
(9 months)$37,412
(9 months)Expense Worksheet Full-Time Worksheet (xls) Three-Quarter-Time Worksheet (xls) Half-Time Worksheet (xls) *Living expenses are prorated per block registered.
Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (residential)+
Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (residential)
Categories Class of 2026 Class of 2025 Class of 2024 Tuition & Fees $40,728 $40,728 $10,250 Computer/Books/Supplies $1,864 $122 $90 Living Expenses $32,970 $32,970 $9,891 Total Cost of Attendance $75,562 (10 months) $73,820 (10 months) $20,231 (3 months) Expense Worksheet Year 1 Worksheet (xls) Year 2 Worksheet (xls) Year 3 Worksheet (xls) Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies (residential)+
Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies (residential)
Categories Class of 2026 Class of 2025 Class of 2024 Tuition & Fees $56,633 $54,660 $9,840 Computer/Books/Supplies $1,740 $5,000 $550 Living Expenses $36,267 $36,267 $9,891 Total Cost of Attendance $94,640
(11 months)$95,927
(11 months)$20,281
(3 months)Expense Worksheet Year 1 Worksheet (xls) Year 2 Worksheet (xls) Year 3 Worksheet (xls) Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology (residential)+
Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology (residential)
Categories Class of 2026 Class of 2025 Tuition & Fees $44,084 $43,616 Computer/Books/Supplies $9,150 $1,100 Living Expenses $29,673 $29,673 Total Cost of Attendance $82,907
(9 months)$74,389
(9 months)Expense Worksheet Year 1 Worksheet (xls) Year 2 Worksheet (xls) Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Master of Science in Biomedical Science (online)+
Master of Science in Biomedical Science (online)
Categories Class of 2025 Tuition & Fees $31,950 Computer/Books/Supplies $1,650 Living Expenses $28,773 Total Cost of Attendance $62,373
(9 months)Expense Worksheet Worksheet (xls) Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
College for Healthy Communities +
2024-25 Academic Year
Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies+
Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies (Central Coast)
Budget categories Class of 2026 Class of 2025 Class of 2024 Tuition & Fees $46,155 $57,044 $13,914 Computer/Books/Supplies $5,150 $1,500 $1,950 Living Expenses $31,696 $39,620 $7,924 Total Cost of Attendance $83,001
(8 months)$98,164
(10 months)$23,788
(2 months)Expense Worksheet Year 1 Worksheet (xls) Year 2 Worksheet (xls) Year 3 Worksheet (xls) Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
College of Graduate Health Studies +
2024-2025 Academic Year
Doctor of Health Administration+
Doctor of Health Administration (online)
Categories Full-Time Three-Quarter-Time Half-Time Tuition & Fees $19,440 $15,120 $10,800 Computer/Books/Supplies $1,940 $1,876 $1,812 Living Expenses* $28,773 $28,773 $28,773 Total Cost of Attendance $50,153
(9 months)$45,769
(9 months)$41,385
(9 months)Expense Worksheet Full-Time Worksheet Three-Quarter-Time Worksheet Half-Time Worksheet *Living expenses are prorated per block registered.
Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Doctor of Health Science+
Doctor of Health Science (online)
Categories Full-Time Three-Quarter-Time Half-Time Tuition & Fees $12,132 $9,436 $6,740 Computer/Books/Supplies $2,078 $1,982 $1,888 Living Expenses* $28,773 $28,773 $28,773 Total Cost of Attendance $42,983
(9 months)$40,191
(9 months)$37,401
(9 months)Expense Worksheet Full-Time Worksheet Three-Quarter-Time Worksheet Half-Time Worksheet *Living expenses are prorated per block registered.
Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Doctor of Nursing Practice+
Doctor of Nursing Practice (online)
Categories Full-Time three-Quarter-Time Half-Time Tuition & Fees $16,020 $12,460 $8,900 Computer/Books/Supplies $1,994 $1,918 $1,842 Living Expenses* $28,773 $28,773 $28,773 Total Cost of Attendance $46,787
(9 months)$43,151
(9 months)$39,515
(9 months)Expense Worksheet Full-Time Worksheet three-Quarter-Time Worksheet Half-Time Worksheet *Living expenses are prorated per block registered.
Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Doctor of Education+
Doctor of Education (online)
Categories Full-Time Three-Quarter-Time Half-Time Tuition & Fees $15,300 $11,900 $8,500 Computer/Books/Supplies $1,816 $1,780 $1,742 Living Expenses* $28,773 $28,773 $28,773 Total Cost of Attendance $45,889
(9 months)$42,453
(9 months)$39,015
(9 months)Expense Worksheet Full-Time Worksheet Three-Quarter-Time Worksheet Half-Time Worksheet *Living expenses are prorated per block registered.
Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Master of Health Administration+
Master of Health Administration (online)
Categories Full-Time Three-Quarter-Time Half-Time Tuition & Fees $13,788 $10,724 $7,660 Computer/Books/Supplies $2,244 $2,112 $1,980 Living Expenses* $28,773 $28,773 $28,773 Total Cost of Attendance $44,805
(9 months)$41,609
(9 months)$38,413
(9 months)Expense Worksheet Full-Time Worksheet Three-Quarter-Time Worksheet Half-Time Worksheet *Living expenses are prorated per block registered.
Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Master of Public Health (all)+
Master of Public Health (online)
Categories Full-Time Three-Quarter-Time Half-Time Tuition & Fees $14,724 $11,452 $8,180 Computer/Books/Supplies $1,933 $1,870 $1,806 Living Expenses* $28,773 $28,773 $28,773 Total Cost of Attendance $45,430
(9 months)$42,095
(9 months)$38,759
(9 months)Expense Worksheet Full-Time Worksheet Three-Quarter-Time Worksheet Half-Time Worksheet *Living expenses are prorated per block registered.
Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Master of Science in Kinesiology+
Master of Science in Kinesiology (online)
Categories Full-Time Three-Quarter-Time Half-Time Tuition & Fees $11,736 $11,452 $6,520 Computer/Books/Supplies $2,278 $1,870 $2,000 Living Expenses* $28,773 $28,773 $28,773 Total Cost of Attendance $42,787
(9 months)$42,095
(9 months)$37,293
(9 months)Expense Worksheet Full-Time Worksheet Three-Quarter-Time Worksheet Half-Time Worksheet *Living expenses are prorated per block registered.
Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Master of Health Sciences+
Master of Health Sciences (online)
Categories Full-Time Three-Quarter-Time Half-Time Tuition & Fees $12,204 $9,492 $6,780 Computer/Books/Supplies $1,966 $1,896 $1,808 Living Expenses* $28,773 $28,773 $28,773 Total Cost of Attendance $42,943
(9 months)$40,161
(9 months)$37,361
(9 months)Expense Worksheet Full-Time Worksheet Three-Quarter-Time Worksheet Half-Time Worksheet *Living expenses are prorated per block registered.
Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Master of Education+
Master of Education (online)
Categories Full-Time Three-Quarter-Time Half-Time Tuition & Fees $15,696 $12,208 $8,720 Computer/Books/Supplies $1,744 $1,724 $1,702 Living Expenses* $28,773 $28,773 $28,773 Total Cost of Attendance $46,213
(9 months)$42,705
(9 months)$39,195
(9 months)Expense Worksheet Full-Time Worksheet Three-Quarter-Time Worksheet Half-Time Worksheet *Living expenses are prorated per block registered.
Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine +
2024-25 Academic Year
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine+
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
Categories Class of 2028 Class of 2027 Class of 2026 Class of 2025 Tuition & Fees $67,363 $66,338 $66,338 $66,338 Computer/Books/Supplies $3,275 $6,375 $5,230 $4,524 Living Expenses $26,270 $26,270 $37,944 $31,620 Total Cost of Attendance $96,908
(10 months)$98,983
(10 months)$109,512
(12 months)$102,482
(10 months)Expense Worksheet Year 1 Worksheet Year 2 Worksheet Year 3 Worksheet Year 4 Worksheet Enhanced Mastery Track, Class of 2028
Budget categories EMT, Class of 2028 Tuition & Fees $50,104 Computer/ Books/Supplies $475 Living Expenses $26,270 Total Cost of Attendance $76,849 (10 months) Expense Worksheet EMT Year 2 Worksheet (xls) Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences+
Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences
Categories Class of 2026 Class of 2025 Tuition & Fees $13,492 $4,028 Computer/Books/Supplies $2,800 $0 Living Expenses $26,270 $26,270 Student Budget $42,562 (10 months) $30,298 (10 months) Expense Worksheet Year 1 Worksheet Year 2 Worksheet Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Missouri School of Dentistry & Oral Health +
2024-25 Academic Year
Doctor of Dental Medicine+
Doctor of Dental Medicine
Categories Class of 2028 Class of 2027 Class of 2026 Class of 2025 Tuition & Fees $101,794 $101,422 $97,848 $97,694 Computer/Books/Supplies $3,067 $5,801 $0 $3,354 Living Expenses $26,270 $26,270 $33,297 $33,297 Total Cost of Attendance $131,131 (10 months) $133,493 (10 months) $131,145 (11 months) $134,345 (11 months) Expense Worksheet Year 1 Worksheet Year 2 Worksheet Year 3 Worksheet Year 4 Worksheet Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona +
2024-25 Academic Year
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine+
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
Categories Class of 2028 Class of 2027 Class of 2026 Class of 2025 Tuition & Fees $69,056 $68,056 $68,056 $68,056 Computer/Books/Supplies $1,650 $2,375 $6,895 $12,620 Living Expenses $32,970 $29,673 $39,564 $36,267 Total Cost of Attendance $103,676
(10 months)$100,104
(9 months)$114,515
(12 months)$116,943
(11 months)Expense Worksheet Year 1 Worksheet Year 2 Worksheet Year 3 Worksheet Year 4 Worksheet Students may download an expense worksheet to calculate how the estimated cost of attendance will align with their actual costs.
Other Financial Assistance (OFA)
Other Financial Assistance (OFA) is a form of financial assistance that is paid due to a student’s enrollment at ATSU, or specifically to cover educational expenses. OFA includes scholarships, grants, net earnings from need-based employment, or loans for a period of enrollment that a student receives from Federal, State, institutional, or other sources. (34 CFR 685.102(b)).
Scholarship programs with a service commitment such as the National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program (NHSC), the Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP), Indian Health Services Scholarship (IHS), Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship Program (NHHSP) offer recipients money to pay towards expenses included in the Cost of Attendance (COA). Recipients of one of these scholarships might receive money to use towards institutional charges, health insurance, books, exams, travel, or even a monthly living stipend. All of these financial benefits are considered Other Financial Assistance (OFA) and must be included as part of a student’s financial aid offer for the academic year. The value of each scholarship will reduce your eligibility for other types of financial aid, including other federal, institutional, and private scholarships and grants.
Students should notify ATSU Student Accounts as soon as they have been accepted into one of these programs. Student Accounts will work with Enrollment Services to ensure your COA includes the many benefits of your scholarship program.
The value of each scholarship program is highlighted below and based on the same value identified in each program COA or as set by the scholarship program.
National Health Service Corp (varies per ATSU program and year)
- Full tuition and fee coverage
- Up to full tuition and fee coverage
- Other Reasonable Costs
Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) (varies per ATSU program and year)
- Full tuition and fee coverage
- Up to full tuition and fee coverage
- Living Expense stipend
VA Health Professions Scholarship Program (VA HPSP) (varies per ATSU program and year)
- Up to full tuition and fee coverage
- Living Expense stipend
Indian Health Services Scholarship (IHS) (varies per ATSU program and year)
- Up to full tuition and fee coverage
- Other Reasonable Costs
Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship Program (NHHSP) (varies per ATSU program and year)
- Full tuition and fee coverage
- Funds to support tuition and fees
- Other Reasonable Costs
When reviewing each scholarships’ Other Reasonable Costs (ORC) or Living Expense Stipends (LE), please keep in mind that ATSU uses living expense amounts that are available as of May 1st each year.